Adventure awaits, and the best adventure in life is one with God. We have 2 options in life, to choose a life of adventure with God or not. There is no in-between. In a world where the culture dictates what we should be doing and that if we do opposite of that we are wrong, it can be a struggle to follow Christ. Yet God is saying otherwise. This week we will challenge that narrative and ask you to look at two ways to live, God’s way or the world’s way. One will lead you to a life of fulfillment in Him like none other and the other will leave you shallow and looking for more ways to fill your life. What will you choose?
Weaving the Theme into Spiritual Formation
The Cedarbrook philosophy is that we believe Christ is in all aspect of life, so whether we are canoeing, walking to the dining hall or shooting a bow and arrow we can talk about God and how whatever we are doing relates to our Christian walk. Our theme in no different. We weave the theme into all we do, from the moment they get up to the moment they go to bed, games, songs, decorations, personal devotions time, cabin time, etc. is weaved into the theme.
This year at camp we will be studying the life of Daniel and how Daniel lived a life devoted to God. From the time he was young chose to follow God and do what God asked rather than what the world around him told him to do. Find out more about Daniel’s life by reading the book of Daniel or check out these videos by The Bible Project about Daniel.